In 2016 the old "Timbers" restaurant was gifted to the Friends of the Opera House with the challenge to do something special for our community. After much serious consideration we have created a vision that we hope will meet and honor the challenge we have been given.
We believe the "Performing Arts Center" has the potential of not only helping transform downtown Elgin but more importantly transforming lives.
We cannot create this without help. We need your help.
Please join us. We need leaders to Join the capital campaign we need builders, fundraisers, artists, educators, grant writers and boosters. If you would like to help us please contact Terry Hale

Why we need the
Performing Arts Center
Over the past 12 years, we have been building a fantastic group of young performers at the Elgin Opera House.
Each year this amazing group of actors/Dancer/Musicians grows!
We can do so much More!
Although the Opera House has been a very special place to learn, it's spaces are small and our classes are limited to the theatric seasonal demands placed on the building. We want to grow and impact more youth and adults.
This new building will not only create a wonderful downtown destination, it will provide the opportunity for full time performing arts training in Dance, Theater and Music for hundreds of youth and families.
Further, the space will provide a magical venue for a live dinner theater and smaller theatrical events! This will perfectly coordinate with the activities at the Opera House and reduce some of the pressure on the old theater.

Please help us create this wonderful new space that will bless lives and bless this community for decades to come!